The former President was demanding that he should be either put on trial or set free 前总统要求要么对他进行审判,要么将他释放。
Former Serbian president Slobodan Milosevic also went before the tribunal, but he died during his trial. 塞尔维亚前总统斯洛博丹米洛舍维奇(SlobodanMilosevic)也接受了审判,但是在审判过程中死亡。
In a hand-written statement faxed to Thai television stations, the former prime minister said political interference would prevent him from getting a fair trial. 他信在传真给泰国电视台的一份手写声明里说,政治干预使他无法得到公平审判。
Almost as soon as it began former baseball star Roger Clemens's perjury trial ended Thursday. 卡莱门周四的伪证审讯几乎是一开庭就结束了。
Four white former university students in South Africa who allegedly forced black campus employees to eat food soaked in urine are going on trial. 南非四名前白人大学生因强迫黑人校园雇员吃用尿浸泡的食物而面临审判。
The International Criminal Court ( I.C.C.) is scheduled to announce Monday if a former Congolese militia leader will face trial on war crimes charges. 国际刑事法庭定于星期一宣布一名前刚果武装领导人是否会因战争罪行而接受审判。
Through the former trial and the later promotion of "Field Action", the leading models of school-based research in the eleventh five-year plan teachers'education in Pulandian has come into being. 经过“原野行动”的前期试点和后期逐步推开,普兰店市“十一五”教师教育“校本研修”的主要模式已经形成。
Slobodan Milosevic, the former president of Serbia and Yugoslavia, died before the conclusion of his trial in2006. 米洛舍维奇,塞尔维亚和南斯拉夫前总统,2006年逝世,此时对他的审判结果还没有出炉。
Former Ukrainian Prime Minister Yulia Tymoshenko will stand trial in Kyiv on Wednesday, charged with abuse of power. 乌克兰前总理季莫申科星期三将在基辅就滥用职权指控出庭。
If he is charged with ordering the murder or complicity, Mr Kuchma would be one of the very few leaders of former Soviet republics to stand trial. 如果被控下令谋杀或参与合谋,库奇马将成为极少数出庭受审的前苏联加盟共和国领导人之一。
Five former politicians worldwide went on trial on the same day coincidentally, and most of them were charged with corruption or negligence. 五位全球范围内的前任政治人物巧合地同一天被审判,而他们大多因为贪污或渎职被起诉。
It reported on the hundreds of millions of euros in kickbacks on weapons contracts allegedly taken by AKIs tsochatzopoulos, a former defence minister now in jail awaiting trial on corruption charges, which he denies. 该杂志曾报道,希腊前国防部长阿吉斯索卡扎波洛斯(akistsochatzopoulos)涉嫌收取数亿欧元武器合同回扣,目前,索卡扎波洛斯正在狱中等待腐败指控的审判,他本人否认这一指控。
Officials in Egypt say the former President Hosni Mubarak and his sons will face trial for the murder of protesters during the uprising which ousted him from power in February. 埃及官员称,前总统穆巴拉克和他的儿子将因为在起义中谋杀抗议者接受审判。穆巴拉克于2月份的起义中被推翻。
Nine former members of one team, seven Zambians and two Georgians, are on trial along with a man from Singapore. 来自一个球队的9名前队员,其中7名赞比亚人,两名乔治亚人与来自新加坡的一名男子一起出庭受审。
The former prime minister of Egypt Ahmed Nazif and two other former members of the government are to stand trial on charges of misusing public funds. 埃及前总理纳吉夫(AhmadNazif)和其他两名政府官员将因滥用公款上庭受审。
The people complain that the ruling military council and Prime Minister Essam Sharaf are not moving fast enough to implement reforms and to put former regime members and security officers on trial. 人们抱怨说,执政的军事委员会和总理夏拉夫在执行改革和和审判前政府人员以及安全官员方面,动作迟缓。
Two of Argentina's former military rulers have gone on trial, accused of overseeing the systematic theft of babies from political prisoners. 两名前阿根廷军官走上法庭,被控有计划的盗取政治犯们的婴儿。
Its two former leaders, Kenneth Lay and Jeffrey Skilling, are currently on trial in Houston, Texas. 他之前的两个领导人,肯尼斯雷和杰弗里斯吉林现在在得克萨斯州的休斯敦接受审讯。
Former President Mubarak is due to stand trial on Wednesday on charges of corruption and ordering the killing of protesters. 前总统穆巴拉克被控告腐败与下令杀害抗议者,将在周三接受审判。
His life-story loomed large because the dashing former trial lawyer was short of both substance and political experience. 这位冲劲十足的前法庭律师的个人奋斗史由于欠缺资历和政府经验而罩上阴影。
The commander whose forces captured Muammar Gaddafi has said he tried to save the former Libyan leader's life so that he could stand trial. 其部队抓获穆阿迈尔?卡扎菲的指挥官声称曾试图救活这位利比亚前领导人,这样他可以出庭审判。
Rod Blagojevich, former Illinois governor, at his impeachment trial in Illinois. 伊利诺伊州前州长罗德·布拉戈耶维奇在对他的弹劾案裁决时说。
The former Bosnian Serb military commander Ratko Mladic has been removed from the courtroom during his war crimes trial in The Hague for disrupting the proceedings. 前波黑塞族军事指挥官姆拉迪奇在海牙刑事法庭因战争罪接受审判时扰乱秩序,被带下法庭。
Arguably, even a political system in complete disintegration is better than one in which, as in Italy, a billionaire former prime minister on trial must explain why guests at his private parties dressed up as nurses and policewomen. 可以说,即便是一个分歧严重的政治体系也好于一个意大利那样的体系。正在受审的亿万富翁、意大利前总理必须解释他的私人宴会中的客人为何打扮成护士和女警。
As an especial procedure by which the courts check capital cases, the procedure for checking death penalty in our country is the last col of capital case which detaches from former trial. 我国死刑复核程序作为人民法院对判处死刑的案件进行审查核准的独立于两审终审制之外的特殊程序,是死刑案件的最后一道关口。
The former stage includes non-clinical trial and clinical trial study while the latter is ADR monitoring stage. 药品上市前的安全性评价即非临床研究各项毒性实验以及新药临床试验(Ⅰ,Ⅱ,Ⅲ期),而上市后的安全性评价则属于ADR监测范畴。
The former includes trial by a sole judge, private prosecution and trial by default etc., and the latter is mainly a code of summary procedure, the major part of which& vertical code includes: 1. 前者包括独任审判、自诉、缺席审判等,后者是主要的简易程序模式,其主要部分&纵向模式包括:其一,认罪处刑程序。
In 1987, the former State Education Commission issued the "trial on the college recruiting high-level athletes work notice", marks the Chinese construction of university sports teams beginning. 1987年,原国家教委颁布了《关于普通高校试行招收高水平运动员工作的通知》,标志着我国普通高校高水平运动队建设的开端。
Song Dynasty strengthens the centralization compared to former dynasty, in the judicial practice the emperor strengthens the control to judicial authorities especially criminal trial authority by various means and interfers with the criminal trial activity directly to maintain the supremacy of imperial power. 宋代的中央集权较前朝有了进一步的加强,反映在司法上便是皇帝通过各种途径加强其对司法权尤其是刑事审判权的控制,直接干预刑事审判活动,以维持皇权至高无上的地位。